Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!
The year 2020 marks the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of our Educational and Evangelizing organization then called as Manila Archdiocesan and Parochial Schools Association (MAPSA) and now known as Manila Ecclesiastical Province School Systems Association (MaPSA).
With the theme “SISENTA NA PO TAYO... MaPSAya!”, the activities manifest the nature and dynamism of MaPSA schools in revealing Christ to our stakeholders and impelling them to follow Him.
To launch the commemoration and celebration of MaPSA’s 60 grace-filled years, we shall have a solemn Mass and Launching Program with delegates from all MaPSA schools in attendance on Friday, 15 November 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the The Minor Basilica and Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Intramuros Manila.
The officers and members of the MaPSA Executive Council join me in respectfully conveying this to you and we ardently hope to see you all in our upcoming event and other activities.
Our most esteemed bishops and valued Priest Directors are courteously requested to concelebrate with His Eminence Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle, D.D.
We seek your benevolence that the following may come to be:
1) At least 30 participants of students (in complete school uniform), faculty members & administration officials from your school; and 2) Donation in cash or cheque with payee: Manila Archdiocesan and Parochial Schools Association, Inc., to be handed over during the offertory procession. These shall assist funding of MaPSA advocacies and activities related to the MaPSA 60th Foundation Anniversary.
To facilitate the necessary logistics, kindly send the REPLY SLIP below to the MaPSA Secretariat at tel nos. 8564-9445 & 8564-4008 or email your confirmation at on or before FRIDAY, 08 NOVEMBER 2019.
Let us pray for service no-end to the Church through Catholic education!
Thank you very much and God bless!