ENROLL NOW! http://bit.ly/mapsahcm
Greetings in the spirit of communio!
After the successful 1st Human Resource Management Summit organized by the MaPSA Commission on Human Resource – Continuing Education (HR-CE) held last January 18-19, 2019 at St. Scholastica’s College Manila (SSCM), a partnership with SSCM was conceptualized to push through with a Diploma program on Human Capital Management.
This Program is designed to enhance skills on select functional competencies of Human Resource professionals of MaPSA member schools. The direction is that HR professional honed to become “ENABLER, ADVOCATE & CHAMPION” of his/her school’s organization.
The Program also hopes to re-kindle the interest of man and his dignity in work, as exemplified by the Catholic teachings on MAN and HIS WORK particularly by the Papal Encyclicals, the Rerum Novarum and the Laborem Exercens.
Each module will be facilitated by an expert in his/her respective field of HR. Strategies shall include basic adult learning methodologies such as interactive discussion, case study analysis, group dynamics, structured learning exercises (SLEs), video viewing processing, brief lectures and limited coaching session for the Action Learning Project (ALP) component.
At the end of each module, participants will be required to submit actionable plans and programs on how the learnings acquired could be applied in their respective organizations.

Participating Diocese or Schools may pay the total DIPLOMA fee of twenty thousand pesos (Php 20,000) or per module (Php 4,000) to MaPSA, for which the official receipt(s) shall be issued; or by depositing to: Manila Archdiocesan and Parochial Schools Association, Inc. BPI # 0051-0542-53. Please email deposit slip, with the name of school and participants to support@mapsa.edu.ph or fax to (02) 564-4008
In the meantime, applicants may now accomplish the ON-LINE DPHCM Registration Form http://bit.ly/mapsahcm. Along with the application form, the following requirements should be submitted to the MaPSA Office on or before Friday, 22 March 2019:
- 1 Original Copy of the DPHCM Registration Form with 2pcs. 2”x2” (white background) Picture
- 1 Original Transcript of Records (to be submitted before the completion of the first Module enrolled)
- 2 Photocopies of the DPHCM Registration Form with 2pcs. 2”x2” (white background) Picture
- 2 Photocopies of the Transcript of Records
Lastly, it is our desire to lift the lid of competence innate in our persons, through formal, professional training of our human resources. We expect your support in this program. A rare opportunity afforded by our partner St. Scholastica’s College of Manila to MAPSA.
Our prayer, our mission, so That Christ be Formed in us! Thank you very much
For further information, please refer to attached brochure. (http://bit.ly/hcmbrochure)
God bless MAPSA!