MaPSA-SSC MOA Signing Ceremony
13 March 2018
Arzobispado de Manila, Intramuros, Manila

The Manila Ecclesiastical Province School Systems Association (MaPSA) and St. Scholastica’s College (SSC) Manila formalized partnership on The Post Baccalaureate Diploma Programs (TPBDP) with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between them. Representing SSC during the signing ceremonies were Sr. M. Christine Pinto, OSB (President), Dr. Virginia R. Fornias (Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of College) and Dr. Ronald P. Romero (Dean of School of Business). MaPSA was represented by its Chairman and President His Eminence Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle, DD, Rev. Fr. Albert N. Delvo (Vice President), Rev. Fr. Elpidio D. Biliran Jr., (Chair, Commission on Promotions and Public Affairs) and Dr. Anthony P. Venus (Chair, Commission on Human Resources-Continuing Education)
Under the agreement, SSC shall provide continuing education on life-long learning skills, approaches and competencies in human resource management, and form a pool of professional MaPSA executives and officers who shall respond to the mandate of MaPSA for which the realization requires the services of an educational training and development institution in the delivery of the Human Resource Learning Sessions.
This Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas Program (TPBDP) shall cover the following areas:
1. Human Capital Development
2. Building and Facilities Management
3. Financial Management
4. Accreditation Program for Registrars
5. Specialization Program in Guidance and Counseling
6. Management Leadership Development Program
7. Classroom Research for Teachers
Guidelines and information materials shall be provided by SSC for MaPSA to disseminate to its member schools. The selection and screening of prospective participants shall be conducted by MaPSA.
The first TPBDP to be run is the Diploma Program on Human Capital Development (DPHCD). This is designed to enhance skills for select functional competencies of Human Resource professionals. The direction and output is the HR professional honed to be “ENABLER, ADVOCATE & CHAMPION” in his/her school’s organization – able to come up with appropriate HR programs which shall enhance the formation of students who are actually the recipients of the school’s services. The Program also hopes to deepen learning in and fealty to the Catholic teachings on MAN and HIS WORK as elaborated in the papal encyclicals particularly Rerum Novarum and Laborem Exercens. The schedule of each module for DPHCD is:

More info on the Diploma Program Human Capital Development (DPHCD) may be had at or by calling (02) 564-4008.