Greetings in the Lord Jesus!
It is with joy and enthusiasm that we inform you of the forthcoming MaPSA General Assembly on Thursday to Friday, 22-23 August 2019 at Hiyas ng Bulacan Convention Center, Malolos Bulacan, with the theme “Journeying with the Youth: Keeping them Ablaze.” The assembly will highlight not only trends in Catholic Education but will allow you to experience the culture of the province of Bulacan.
We hope to achieve the following objectives: 1) To celebrate the "Year of the Youth" by enabling Catholic Educators to respond to the needs and aspirations of the youth of today; 2) To inspire young people to nurture their dreams and to soar high in an uplifting environment of Catholic Schools; 3) To address issues, concerns and trends affecting Catholic education in the Philippines; 4) To reinforce the Catholic identity and spirituality in empowering the young as potential leaders; and 5) To strengthen the partnership between home and school in educating the young for life.
In this light, we request your active participation and kindhearted support by sending representatives from various sectors of your school to attend the said Assembly. We ask you to please register your participants ON-LINE ( to facilitate our preparations and to avoid the inconvenience of on-site registration.
Enclosed is the Registration Guidelines and Assembly Program. For those who may wish to stay overnight, coordination with the nearby hotels and resorts will be facilitated.
Conveying appreciation and gratitude, we pray to merit your continued support for the noble undertakings, activities and projects of MaPSA.
God bless you!